Walk south of the building below you and use the key to unlock the door. Walk back to the start, use the chopsticks on the animal cages to the right by pressing triangle to bring up your inventory and pressing X on the chopsticks, this will fish out the key. Go south and talk to the Chef/Noodle Lady and obtain Chopsticks. The Marketplace – Talk to the woman to the left behind the fish counter, she will mention a key. (I did this thanks to the pause button being the same button as the skip scene one! Ahhhh). If you actually want to follow the story and for some reason miss some of the text, quickly close the game and quit out to the xmb, start up the game again and when it has reloaded you will be back at the start of the area/scene you was previously in. – Level select can be done once you complete your 1st playthrough enabling you to get the missing trophies for the alternate endings, the doll/brain choice and anything else you may have missed. Red boxes with SP on them seen throughout the game are save points. To make things slightly quicker hold O to run. Scenes can be skipped with the Options button when prompted. Stage 3 – Follow the information given for the Doll/Brain collectibles. From the Main Menu select Continue or choose Level Select and select Chapter 11: Break or Strengthen and follow the other 5 other endings. After following the other endings you will be able to use a Level Select feature. Choosing ‘I Can’t stay awake’ doesn’t unlock level select but afterwards you can just select Continue from the Main Menu to replay the last level. Chose any ONE of the endings for your 1st playthrough. Stage 1 – Follow the ‘1st Playthrough’ for a complete text or Video walkthrough of the game. Welcome to the trophy guide for My Big Sister, a Rpg like horror top-down style game which consists of finding items, secrets and solving puzzles. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.įollow us on twitter for the latest news and giveaways. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Welcome to the trophy guide for My big Sister. Missable trophies: None due to level select after 1st playthrough Time to 100%: 1-2hrs with guide and skipping text/scenes.